Yeni bir Steve doğdu!
- Katılım
- 30 Mayıs 2018
- Mesajlar
- 30
- Tepki puanı
- 16
- Puanları
- 0
- Discord
- SlenderShout#4830
- Hastebin Bağlantısı
command /sohbet [<text>]:
if player has permission "chat.admin":
if {kilitli} is not set:
set {kilitli} to false
if arg 1 is not set:
open chest with 3 rows named "&c&lSohbet Menüsü" to player
format slot 11 of player with diamond block named "&aSohbeti aç." with lore "&bSohbeti açar." to close then run [execute player command "sohbet ac"]
format slot 13 of player with diamond block named "&aSohbeti kapat." with lore "&bSohbeti kapatır." to close then run [execute player command "sohbet kapat"]
format slot 15 of player with diamond block named "&aSohbeti temizle." with lore "&bSohbeti temizler." to close then run [execute player command "sohbet temizle"]
if arg 1 is "kapat":
if {kilitli} is true:
send "&c&lWinner&l&fCraft &8&l» &aSohbet zaten kapalı!"
set {kilitli} to true
broadcast "&c&lWinner&l&fCraft &8&l» &aSohbet kapatıldı!"
if arg 1 is "ac":
if {kilitli} is true:
set {kilitli} to false
broadcast "&c&lWinner&l&fCraft &8&l» &aSohbet aktif!"
send "&c&lWinner&l&fCraft &8&l» &aSohbet zaten aktif!"
if arg 1 is "temizle":
loop 180 times:
send " " to players
broadcast "&c&lWinner&l&fCraft &8&l» &aSohbet temizlenmiştir! Iyi oyunlar."
on chat:
if player does not have permission "chat.bypass":
{kilitli} is true:
cancel event
send "&c&lWinner&l&fCraft &8&l» &9Sohbet kapalıdır, &4konuşamazsın!" to player
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