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Paylaşım UltraStaffChat | Bungeecord | Sunucular arası yetkili haberleşme plugini!

29 Mayıs 2021
En iyi cevaplar
Tepki puanı
Herkese tekrardan merhaba MinecraftTR ailesi! Bugün sizlere, sunucular arası yetkililerin haberleşme eklentisini gösterdim! Ayrıca ücretsiz, hadi konuya geçelim.

İlk olarak adlı siteden plugini indirelim. Ardında BungeeCord sunucunuzun klasöründeki "plugins" yerine atın ve sunucunuzu başlatın. Ardından "config.yml" adlı dosyaya girelim.

# __ ______ _____ __ ________________ __
# / / / / / /__________ _/ ___// /_____ _/ __/ __/ ____/ /_ ____ _/ /_
# / / / / / __/ ___/ __ `/\__ \/ __/ __ `/ /_/ /_/ / / __ \/ __ `/ __/
# / /_/ / / /_/ / / /_/ /___/ / /_/ /_/ / __/ __/ /___/ / / / /_/ / /_
# \____/_/\__/_/ \__,_//____/\__/\__,_/_/ /_/ \____/_/ /_/\__,_/\__/
# UltraStaffChat - config.yml - Main Configuration.
# Copyright (C) 2021 Joshua Sing <joshua@hypera.dev>, Christian F <christianfdev@gmail.com>, SLLCoding <luisjk266@gmail.com>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see < >.
# Helpful Links:
# Support |
# Documentation |
# Source Code |

# [ UltraStaffChat | General Configuration ]

# General | No Permission Message
no-permission: "&cNo Permission."

# General | In-game Only Message
ingame-only: "&cThis command can only be used in-game."

# [ UltraStaffChat | Discord Configuration ]

# Discord | Enabled
# Should we send messages to Discord?
discord-enabled: false

# Discord | Webhook URL
discord-webhook: " "

# Discord | Webhook Username
# What name do you want the webhook to use?
discord-username: "Minecraft Yetkili Sohbet"

# Discord | Webhook Image
# What image do you want the webhook to use?
discord-image: " "

# Discord | Embed
# Should we use embeds?
discord-embed: true

# Discord | StaffChat Format
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}, Message - {message}
text: "[StaffChat] {server} - **{player}**: {message}" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
author: # Embed Author
name: ""
url: ""
image: ""
title: "" # Embed Title
title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
description: "**{player}**: {message}" # Embed Description
color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
image: "" # Embed Image URL
thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
# 1:
# name: "{player}"
# value: "{message}"
# inline: true
# 2:
# name: "Server"
# value: "{server}"
# inline: true
# 3:
# name: "Example"
# value: "You can keep making more fields"
# inline: false

# Discord | Staff Join Messages
# Should Staff Join messages be sent to Discord?
discord-join-messages: true

# Discord | Join Format
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}
text: "**{player}** connected to **{server}**" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
author: # Embed Author
name: ""
url: ""
image: ""
title: "{player}" # Embed Title
title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
description: "** + {server} **" # Embed Description
color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
image: "" # Embed Image URL
thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
# 1:
# name: "Example"
# value: "You can keep making more fields"
# inline: false

# Discord | Staff Leave Messages
# Should Staff Leave messages be sent to Discord?
discord-leave-messages: true

# Discord | Leave Format
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}
text: "**{player}** disconnected from **{server}**" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
author: # Embed Author
name: ""
url: ""
image: ""
title: "{player}" # Embed Title
title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
description: "** - {server} **" # Embed Description
color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
image: "" # Embed Image URL
thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
# 1:
# name: "Example"
# value: "You can keep making more fields"
# inline: false

# Discord | Staff Switch Messages
# Should Staff Switch messages be sent to Discord?
discord-switch-messages: true

# Discord | Switch Format
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}, From - {from}, To - {to}
text: "**{player}** switched from **{from}** -> **{to}**" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
author: # Embed Author
name: ""
url: ""
image: ""
title: "{player}" # Embed Title
title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
description: "** {from} -> {to} **" # Embed Description
color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
image: "" # Embed Image URL
thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
# 1:
# name: "Example"
# value: "You can keep making more fields"
# inline: false

# Discord | AFK Messages
# Should Staff AFK enable messages be sent to Discord?
discord-afk-enable-messages: true

# Discord | AFK Enable Format
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}
text: "**{player}** is now AFK" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
author: # Embed Author
name: ""
url: ""
image: ""
title: "{player}" # Embed Title
title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
description: "has gone AFK" # Embed Description
color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
image: "" # Embed Image URL
thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
# 1:
# name: "Example"
# value: "You can keep making more fields"
# inline: false

# Discord | AFK Messages
# Should Staff AFK disable messages be sent to Discord?
discord-afk-disable-messages: true

# Discord | AFK Disable Format
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}
text: "**{player}** is no longer AFK" # Only used if 'discord-embed' is disabled.
embed: # Only used if 'discord-embed' is enabled.
author: # Embed Author
name: ""
url: ""
image: ""
title: "{player}" # Embed Title
title-url: "" # Enbed Title URL
description: "is no longer AFK" # Embed Description
color: "#5555FF" # Embed Color
footer: # Upgrade to UltraStaffChatPro to change the embed Footer
image: "" # Embed Image URL
thumbnail: "" # Embed Thumbnail URL
fields: # Embed Fields (Remove all to have no fields)
# 1:
# name: "Example"
# value: "You can keep making more fields"
# inline: false

# [ UltraStaffChat | StaffChat Configuration ]

# StaffChat | Format
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}, Message - {message}
staffchat-format: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &4{player}&c: &c{message}"

# StaffChat | Usage
staffchat-usage: "&cUsage: /staffchat <message>"

# StaffChat | Muted
staffchat-muted: "&cStaffChat is currently Muted"

# StaffChat | Prefix
# Allows Staff members to send messages to StaffChat using a prefix before their message.
# Set to "" to disable.
staffchat-prefix: "#"

# [ UltraStaffChat | Toggle Configuration ]

# Toggle | Enabled
toggle-enabled: true

# Toggle On | Message
toggle-message-on: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat Toggled &aOn&c!"

# Toggle Off | Message
toggle-message-off: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat Toggled &cOff&c!"

# Toggle | Usage
toggle-usage: "&cUsage: /sctoggle <3tate>"

# [ UltraStaffChat | Mute Configuration ]

# Mute | Enabled
mute-enabled: true

# Mute On | Message
mute-message-on: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat &cMuted&c!"

# Mute Off | Message
mute-message-off: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat &aUnmuted&c!"

# Mute | Usage
mute-usage: "&cUsage: /scmute <3tate>"

# [ UltraStaffChat | Mute StaffChat Configuration ]

# Mute | Enabled
mute-staffchat-enabled: true

# Mute On | Message
mute-staffchat-message-on: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat has been &cMuted&c!"

# Mute Off | Message
mute-staffchat-message-off: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &cStaffChat has been &aUnmuted&c!"

# Mute | Usage
mute-staffchat-usage: "&cUsage: /mutesc <3tate>"

# [ UltraStaffChat | AFK Configuration ]

# AFK | Enabled
afk-enabled: true

# AFK | Message
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}
afk-broadcast: "&7{player} is now &c&lAFK&7."

# AFK | No longer AFK Message
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}
no-afk-broadcast: "&7{player} is no longer &c&lAFK&7."

# [ UltraStaffChat | Join Message Configuration ]

# Join Message | Enabled
join-enabled: true

# Join Message | Message
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}
join-message: "&7[&a&l+&7] &7[{server}] &a{player}"

# [ UltraStaffChat | Leave Message Configuration ]

# Leave Message | Enabled
leave-enabled: true

# Leave Message | Message
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}
leave-message: "&7[&c&l-&7] &c{player}"

# [ UltraStaffChat | Switch Message Configuration ]

# Switch Message | Enabled
switch-enabled: true

# Switch Message | Message
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}, From - {from}, To - {to}
switch-message: "&8[&4&lStaffChat&8] &c{player} switched from {from} to {to}"

# [ UltraStaffChat | StaffList Configuration ]

# StaffList | Enabled
stafflist-enabled: true

# StaffList | Header
# - Placeholders: Staff Count - {count}
stafflist-header: "&7({count}) &c&lOnline Staff Members&7:"

# StaffList | Format
# - Placeholders: Player - {player}, Server - {server}
stafflist-line: "&4{player} &7- &4{server}"

# StaffList | No staff online
stafflist-offline: "&cNo staff members are online."

# [ UltraStaffChat | Update Notification Configuration ]

# Update Notification | Enabled
update-enabed: true

# Update Notification | Message
# - Placeholders: New Version - {version}, Current Version - {current}
update-message: "&8[&c&lUltraStaffChat&8] &aVersion {version} is now available."

# [ UltraStaffChat | Permissions ]

# Permission | StaffChat Talk
permission-talk: "staffchat.talk"

# Permission | StaffChat Read
permission-read: "staffchat.read"

# Permission | Toggle
permission-toggle: "staffchat.toggle"

# Permission | Mute
permission-mute: "staffchat.mute"

# Permission | Mute Global
permission-globalmute: "staffchat.globalmute"

# Permission | StaffChat Global Mute Bypass
permission-bypass: "staffchat.mutebypass"

# Permission | AFK
permission-afk: "staffchat.afk"

# Permission | Staff Join
permission-join: "staffchat.join"

# Permission | Staff Leave
permission-leave: "staffchat.leave"

# Permission | Switch
permission-switch: "staffchat.switch"

# Permission | Staff List
permission-list: "staffchat.list"

# Permission | Staff (Permission needed to display on Staff List)
permission-staff: "staffchat.staff"

# Permission | Chat Formatting
permission-chat-format: "staffchat.format"

# Permission | Update Notification
permission-update: "ultrastaffchat.update"

# Permission | Configuration Reload
permission-reload: "ultrastaffchat.reload"

# Permission | Debug
permission-debug: "ultrastaffchat.debug"

# [ UltraStaffChat | System Configuration ]

# System | Configuration Version
# Used for Internal purposes - Don't edit!
version: 37

/staffchat <mesaj> | İzin: staffchat.talk
/stafflist | İzin: staffchat.list
/sctoggle | İzin: staffchat.toggle
/mutesc | İzin: staffchat.globalmute
/scmute | İzin: staffchat.mute
/scafk | İzin: staffchat.afk
/usc | İzin: Hiçbirşey
/usc reload | İzin: ultrastaffchat.reload

Özelleştirdikten sonra bir BungeeCord için izin pluginine ihtiyacımız var. Bunun için,

kısmından BungeeCord kısmını seçmeniz, veya kısmından indirip "BungeeCord plugins" kısmına pluginleri atıp BungeeCord sunucusunu yeniden başlatmanız gerekiyor. Ondan sonra izinleri ekleyerek kullanabilirsiniz!

İyi forumlar!
18 Ağustos 2021
Tepki puanı
! FurkanBey#0001
Teşekkürler güzel olmuş.
