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Paylaşım Güzel Eğlenceli ve Yaralı Skriptler

Yeni bir Steve doğdu!
11 Eylül 2020
Tepki puanı
Merhabalar. Sizler için çok iyi X-Ray, Thor'un Çekici gibi skriptler vereceğim. Bu skriptleri başka formdan buldum. Hiçbirini denemedim. Hiçbir skript bana ait değildir.

Not: Çalışmayan skript olursa lütfen aşağıya yazın ben bakarım ona.

1- Oyuncuların ne kadar uzaklıkta olduğunu görme skripti

on click:
    player's tool is compass
    set {_m} to 300
    loop players in radius 250 of player:
        if loop-value is not the player:
            if distance between loop-value and player < {_m}:
                set {_m} to distance between loop-value and player
                set {_p} to loop-value
    if {_p} is set:
        set action bar of player to "&f%{_p}% isimli oyuncuya %floor({_m})% kadar yakınsın."
        set action bar of player to "&fYakınlarında oyuncu yok."7

2- Yere eşya atmayı önleyen skript

    D: &cKaybolma Önleme &7»
on drop:
    event-item is a pickaxe named "Esya İsmi": #burası size bağlı, pickaxe ve Esya İsmi kısmını isteğinize göre düzenleyebilirsiniz.
        if {editkaybolma.%player%} isn't set:
            set {editkaybolma.%player%} to true
        if {editkaybolma.%player%} is false:
            send "{@D} Edit eşyanı /editimisal yazmadan yere atamazsın!" to player
            cancel event
command /editimisal:
        if {editkaybolma.%player%} isn't set:
            set {editkaybolma.%player%} to true
        if {editkaybolma.%player%} is false:
            set {editkaybolma.%player%} to true
            send "{@D} Edit eşyanı artık yere atabilirsin" to player
        if {editkaybolma.%player%} is true:
            set {editkaybolma.%player%} to false
            send "{@D} Edit eşyanı artık yere atamazsın" to player

3- Süreli Fly

command /surever <player> <timespan>:
    permission: op.op
        add arg-2 to {flysure::%arg-1%}
        send "&2Başarılı!"
function reset(p: player,kaldırılıcaksure: timespan):
    set fly mode of {_p} to false
    remove {_kaldırılıcaksure} from {flysure::%{_p}%}
    delete {kullanmasure::%{_p}%}
    send "&cFly Kapatıldı" to {_p}
on quit:
    {kullanmasure::%player%} is set
command /surelifly:
        {kullanmasure::%player%} is set:
        {flysure::%player%} is greater than 1 minutes:
            set {kullanmasure::%player%} to now
            Send "&cUçuyosun"
            set player's flight mode to true
            while {kullanmasure::%player%} is set:
                set {_t} to "&c%{kullanmasure::%player%}%&8/&2%{flysure::%player%}%"
                replace all "seconds" with "saniye" in {_t}
                replace all "second" with "saniye" in {_t}
                replace all "hours" with "saat" in {_t}
                replace all "hour" with "saat" in {_t}
                replace all "minutes" with "dakika" in {_t}
                replace all "minute" with "dakika" in {_t}
                replace all "days" with "gün" in {_t}
                replace all "day" with "gün" in {_t}
                show action bar "%coloured {_t}%" to player
                if {kullanmasure::%player%} is greater than {flysure::%player%}:
                    send "&6Fly Bitti"
                wait 1.5 seconds   
            send "&6Yeterli Süre Yok!"

4- Kazma ile bir yeri 3x3 kazmak

command /kazmaver [<player>]:
        if player is op:
            if arg 1 is set:
                give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 10 and unbreaking 3 with name "&c&lÖzel Kazma" with lore "||&7Bu bir özel kazmadır.||&7Normalde kazılan bloğun &e9 &7katını kazar.||&7Sadece &ayosunlu taş &7kazarken bu özellik çalışır." to arg 1
                execute player command "kazmaver %player%"
on break of mossy cobble stone:
    if player's world is "edit":
        if tool's name is "&c&lÖzel Kazma":
            if block 1 south is mossy_cobble_stone:
                set block 1 south of event-block to air
                give 1 mossy_cobble_stone to player
            if block 1 south 1 east is mossy_cobble_stone:
                set block 1 south 1 east of event-block to air
                give 1 mossy_cobble_stone to player
            if block 1 south 1 west is mossy_cobble_stone:
                set block 1 south 1 west of event-block to air
                give 1 mossy_cobble_stone to player
            if block 1 north is mossy_cobble_stone:
                set block 1 north of event-block to air
                give 1 mossy_cobble_stone to player
            if block 1 north 1 east is mossy_cobble_stone:
                set block 1 north 1 east of event-block to air
                give 1 mossy_cobble_stone to player
            if block 1 north 1 west is mossy_cobble_stone:
                set block 1 north 1 west of event-block to air
                give 1 mossy_cobble_stone to player
            if block 1 east is mossy_cobble_stone:
                set block 1 east of event-block to air
                give 1 mossy_cobble_stone to player
            if block 1 west is mossy_cobble_stone:
                set block 1 west of event-block to air
                give 1 mossy_cobble_stone to player

4- Süreli komut kullanma skripti

    süre:  1# Kaç saniyede bir sürenin eksilmesini istiyorsanız buraya saniye cinsinden yazınız.
    komut1:  afk
    komut2:  saatlikhediyem
    komutsure1:  30
    komutsure2:  3600
    prefix:   &eSkyblock &8»

on command "/{@komut1}":
    if {cdcmd::%player%::komut1} is not set:
        set {cdcmd::%player%::komut1} to true
        set {cd::%player%::komut1} to {@komutsure1}
        if {cdcmd::%player%::komut2} is not set:
            add player to {cdlist::*}
        cancel event
        send "{@prefix} &7Bu komudu kullanmak için &a%{cd::%player%::komut1}% &7saniye beklemelisin." to player
on command "/{@komut2}":
    if {cdcmd::%player%::komut2} is not set:
        set {cdcmd::%player%::komut2} to true
        set {cd::%player%::komut2} to {@komutsure2}
        if {cdcmd::%player%::komut1} is not set:
            add player to {cdlist::*}
        cancel event
        set {komut2süre::%player%} to ({cd::%player%::komut2} - ({cd::%player%::komut2} mod 60)) / 60
        send "{@prefix} &7Bu komudu kullanmak için &a%{komut2süre::%player%}% &7dakika beklemelisin." to player

command /cd:
        send "%{komut2kalan::%player%}%"
        send "%{komut2süre::%player%}%"
        send "%{komut2tamamlama::%player%}%"

every {@süre} second:
    loop {cdlist::*}:
        if {cdcmd::%loop-value%::komut1} is set:
            remove {@süre} from {cd::%loop-value%::komut1}
            if {cd::%loop-value%::komut1} is smaller than or equal to 0:
                delete {cdcmd::%loop-value%::komut1}
        wait 1 tick
        if {cdcmd::%loop-value%::komut2} is set:
            remove {@süre} from {cd::%loop-value%::komut2}
            if {cd::%loop-value%::komut2} is smaller than 1:
                delete {cdcmd::%loop-value%::komut2}
        wait 1 tick
        if {cdcmd::%loop-value%::komut1} is not set:
            if {cdcmd::%loop-value%::komut2} is not set:
                remove loop-value from {cdlist::*}

command /cdsıfırla:
        if player is op:
            delete {cdcmd::*}
            delete {cdlist::*}
            delete {cd::*}
            send "{@prefix} &aBaşarıyla &7sıfırlandı." to player

on load:
    delete {cd::*}

5- Fırlatmalı Thor'un Çekici

on leftclick with diamond axe:
    name of tool is "&9Thorun Çekici"
    player is sneaking
    loop all entities in radius 10 around player:
        loop-entity's health > 0
        loop-entity isn't "%player%"
        damage loop-entity by 3 hearts
        strike lightning effect at loop-entity
on rightclick with diamond axe:
    name of tool is "&9Thorun Çekici":
        set {_t} to player's tool
        remove tool from player's tool
        spawn armor stand at player's location
        set {_armor} to last spawned entity
        set spawned entity's tool to diamond axe of protection 3
        add "{NoGravity:0}" to nbt of {_armor}
        add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of {_armor}
        add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of {_armor}
        add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of {_armor}
        add "{Pose:{RightArm:[0f,0,5f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
        set {_1} to location 1 meters above last spawned entity
        teleport last spawned entity to {_1}
        loop 20 times:
            push {_armor} in player's direction with speed 0.3
            loop all entities in radius 1 around last spawned entity:
                loop-entity's health > 0
                loop-entity isn't armor stand
                loop-entity isn't "%player%"
                damage loop-entity by 10 hearts
                strike lightning effect at loop-entity
            wait 3 tick
        loop 20 times:
            loop all entities in radius 1 around last spawned entity:
                loop-entity's health > 0
                loop-entity isn't armor stand
                loop-entity isn't "%player%"
                damage loop-entity by 10 hearts
                strike lightning effect at loop-entity
            push last spawned entity direction from last spawned entity's location to player's location at speed 1
            wait 3 tick   
        kill {_armor}
        give {_t} to player
on leftclick with diamond axe:
    name of tool is "&9Thorun Çekici":
        push player in player's direction with speed 0.5   
command /b:
        give 1 diamond axe named "&9Thorun Çekici" to player

6- Anket skripti

command /anketbaslat [<text>] [<int>]:
    permission: anket.admin
    usage: /anketbaslat (Konu) (Sure)
        arg 1 is set:
            set {evet} to 0
            set {hayir} to 0
            loop all players:
                set {oylama.%loop-player%} to true
            send "&a%arg-1% &3Konusuna " to players
            send "&2Evet &3Diyorsan &2/evet" to players
            send "&cHayir &3Diyorsan &c/hayir" to players
            send "&3Oylamak İçin Kalan Süre &7%arg-2% &3Saniye"
            set {anketbaslat} to true
            loop arg-2 times:
                wait 1 second
            send "&aAnket Bitmistir! Sonuçlar Aşşağıda." to players
            send "&6Evet Oy Sayısı : &2%{evet}%" to players
            send "&6Hayır Oy Sayısı : &4%{hayir}%" to players
            set {anketbaslat} to false

command /evet:
        if {anketbaslat} is true:
            if {oylama.%player%} is true:
                add 1 to {evet}
                send "&aBaşarıyla Oyunu &2Evet &aOlarak Verdin." to player
                set {oylama.%player%} to false
                send "&cZaten Oyunu Kullandın" to player
            send "&cHerhangi Bir Anket Başlamadı" to player

command /hayir:
        if {anketbaslat} is true:
            if {oylama.%player%} is true:
                add 1 to {hayir}
                send "&aBaşarıyla Oyunu &4Hayir &aOlarak Verdin" to player
                set {oylama.%player%} to false
                send "&cZaten Oyunu Kullandın" to player
            send "&cHerhangi Bir Anket Başlamadı" to player

command /anketbitir:
    permission: anketbitir.admin
        send "&aAnket Bitmistir! Sonuçlar Aşşağıda." to players
        send "&6Evet Oy Sayısı : &2%{evet}%" to players
        send "&6Hayır Oy Sayısı : &4%{hayir}%" to players
        set {anketbaslat} to false

7- Uçuş bileti skripti (Bu bilet süreyle uçmanıza yarar.)

command /uçuşbileti:
    permission : op
        give 1 paper named "&aUçuş Bileti &8(&e30 Saniye&8)" to player
rightclick with paper:
    if tool's display name is "&aUçuş Bileti &8(&e30 Saniye&8)":
        cancel event
        remove paper named "&aUçuş Bileti &8(&e30 Saniye&8)" from players
        wait 0.50 seconds
        execute console command "fly %player%"
        send "&aUçuş Bileti &8► &7Uçuş bileti kullanıldı. Şimdi &8(&d30&8) &7saniye boyunca istediğin kadar uçabilirsin!"
        execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lUçuş Bileti\n &7Uçma özelliğinin &e30 &7saniyesi kaldı!"
        wait 15 seconds
        execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lUçuş Bileti\n &7Uçma özelliğinin &e15 &7saniyesi kaldı!"
        wait 5 seconds
        execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lUçuş Bileti\n &7Uçma özelliğinin &e10 &7saniyesi kaldı!"
        wait 7 seconds
        execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lUçuş Bileti\n &7Uçma özelliğinin &e3 &7saniyesi kaldı!"
        wait 1 seconds
        execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lUçuş Bileti\n &7Uçma özelliğinin &e2 &7saniyesi kaldı!"
        wait 1 seconds
        execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lUçuş Bileti\n &7Uçma özelliğinin &e1 &7saniyesi kaldı!"
        wait 1 seconds
        execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lUçuş Bileti\n &7Uçma özelliğinin süresi doldu!"
        execute console command "fly %player%"

8- Acil Durum Çantası Skripti

command çanta [<text>]:
        arg 1 is "itemekle":
            if player's tool is diamond pickaxe or diamond axe:
                add player's tool to {ç::%player%::*}
                remove player's tool from player
                send "Eklenebilecek eşyalar &bElmas Kazma-Balta" to player
        arg 1 is "ver":
            if {ç::%player%::*} is set:
                loop {ç::%player%::*}:
                    give loop-value to player
                    remove loop-value from {ç::%player%::*}
                send "Çantanda hiçbir şey yok"

9- IP Adresi kontrol skripti

command /ipkontrol [<offline player>]:
    permission: ip.kontrol
    permission message: &cBu komut icin yetkin yok!
    cooldown: 6 seconds
    cooldown message: &66 Saniye Beklemelisin.
    aliases: /internetprotocol
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "&cHata."
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 1 is offline:
                send "&c%arg-1% &cSuan Aktif Degil!"
        if arg 1 is set:
            if arg 1 is online:
                if arg 1 has permission "ip.kontrol":
                    send "&cSende bu yetki yoktur ip.kontrol!"
                    send "&9IP of %arg-1% &9is &9%IP of arg-1%"

10- Anti X-Ray Skripti


# byDelta tarafından Türkçeleştirildi. | Ne Mutlu Türk'üm Diyene! ☪



    onek: &8[&6Anti-XRay&8]
    #"/axr" kullanarak gizli cevher sistemini değiştirebilirsiniz.
    #TPS, Madenciliği gecikme çeklerini azaltmak için "false" olarak ayarlandı. Uyarılar hâlâ işe yarayacak.
    yaricap: 10
    #Bunun işe yaraması için "hideradius" değerleri "true" olarak ayarlanmalıdır. TPS gecikmesini önlemek için yaricap'ı azaltın.
    acildionek: &7[&2✔ &aAçık&7]
    kapandionek: &7[&4✘ &cKapalı&7]
    cevheracildionek: &7[&2✔ &aAçık&7]
    cevherkapandionek: &7[&4✘ &cKapalı&7]
    elmasbuldumesaj: &e%player% &7isimli oyuncu bir &belmas &7buldu!
    elmasylevel: 70 #Oyuncuların cevherleri ne zaman kullandığını kontrol etmek için "Y" seviyesini ayarlar.
    altinbuldumesaj: &e%player% &7isimli oyuncu bir &6altın cevheri &7buldu!
    altinylevel: 70 #Oyuncuların cevherleri ne zaman kullandığını kontrol etmek için "Y" seviyesini ayarlar.
    demirbuldumesaj: &e%player% &7isimli oyuncu bir &fdemir cevheri &7buldu!
    demirylevel: 70 #Oyuncuların cevherleri ne zaman kullandığını kontrol etmek için "Y" seviyesini ayarlar.
    zumrutbuldumesaj: &e%player% &7isimli oyuncu bir &azümrüt &7buldu!
    zumrutylevel: 70 #Oyuncuların cevherleri ne zaman kullandığını kontrol etmek için "Y" seviyesini ayarlar.



    versiyon: 1.2

on load:
    wait 2 ticks
    send "[Anti-XRay] X-Ray için 'v1.2' yükleniyor.." to console
    send "[Anti-Xray] Lütfen forum konumuzu ve skriptimizi değerlendirin." to console
    send "[Anti-XRay] Forum konumuz: &ahttps://www.MinecraftTR.com/konu/anti-xray-gelismis-xray-korumasi-gui-destekli.61070/#post-345168"
    if {cevherlerisakla} is not set:
        set {cevherlerisakla} to true

command /axr [<text>] [<text>] [<offlineplayer>]:
        if player has permission "minecrafttr-axr.admin":
            if arg-1 is not "gui" or "menü" or "uyarı" or "cevhersayacı" or "cs" or "yardım" or "yenile" or "yl":
                wait 2 tick
                execute player command "axr menü"
            if arg-1 is "gui" or "menü":
                if {cevherlerisakla} is false:
                    wait 5 tick
                    open chest with 2 row named "&c&lAnti-XRay GUI" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 8 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 9 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 10 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 11 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 15 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 16 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 17 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 1 of player with a coal ore named "&c&lGizli Cevher Sistemi Devre Dışı" to be unstealable
                    format slot 2 of player with a iron ore named "&c&lGizli Cevher Sistemi Devre Dışı" to be unstealable
                    format slot 3 of player with a gold ore named "&c&lGizli Cevher Sistemi Devre Dışı" to be unstealable
                    format slot 4 of player with redstone ore named "&c&lGizli Cevher Sistemi Devre Dışı" to be unstealable
                    format slot 5 of player with a lapis lazuli ore named "&c&lGizli Cevher Sistemi Devre Dışı" to be unstealable
                    format slot 6 of player with a emerald ore named "&c&lGizli Cevher Sistemi Devre Dışı" to be unstealable
                    format slot 7 of player with a diamond ore named "&c&lGizli Cevher Sistemi Devre Dışı" to be unstealable
                    format slot 12 of player with a clock named "&5Cevher Sayacı&f: %{counter.name}% " to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 sayaç"]
                    format slot 13 of player with oak door named "&bGizli Cevher Sistemi&f: %{osy.name}%" to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 cevhersistemi"]
                    format slot 14 of player with a eye of ender named "&eTüm Cevher Uyarılarıı&f: %{orealerts.name}% " to close then run [execute player command "/axr uyarı hepsi"]
                if {cevherlerisakla} is true:
                    wait 5 tick
                    if {iron.name} or {coal.name} or {gold.name} or {red.name} or {blue.name} or {green.name} or {diamond.name} or {counter.name} or {orealerts.name} or {osy.name} is not set:
                        set {iron.name} or {coal.name} or {gold.name} or {red.name} or {blue.name} or {green.name} or {diamond.name} or {counter.name} or {orealerts.name} or {osy.name} to "&8[&eNot Activated&8]"
                    open chest with 2 row named "&8[&4&lAnti-XRay GUI&8]" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 8 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 9 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 10 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 11 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 15 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 16 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 17 of player with glowing purple stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                    format slot 1 of player with a coal ore named "&7Kömürü Gizle&f: %{coal.name}%" to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 kömür"]
                    format slot 2 of player with a iron ore named "&fDemiri Gizle: %{iron.name}%" to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 demir"]
                    format slot 3 of player with a gold ore named "&6Altını Gizle&f: %{gold.name}%" to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 altın"]
                    format slot 4 of player with redstone ore named "&cKızıltaşı Gizle&f: %{red.name}%" to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 kızıltaş"]
                    format slot 5 of player with a lapis lazuli ore named "&3Lapisi Gizle&f: %{blue.name}%" to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 lapis"]
                    format slot 6 of player with a emerald ore named "&aZümrütü Gizle&f: %{green.name}%" to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 zümrüt"]
                    format slot 7 of player with a diamond ore named "&bElması Gizle&f: %{diamond.name}%" to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 elmas"]
                    format slot 12 of player with a clock named "&5Cevher Sayacı&f: %{counter.name}% " to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 sayaç"]
                    format slot 13 of player with oak door named "&bGizli Cevher Sistemi&f: %{osy.name}%" to close then run [execute player command "/axrayarlar12 cevhersistemi"]
                    format slot 14 of player with a eye of ender named "&eAll Ore Alerts&f: %{orealerts.name}% " to close then run [execute player command "/axr uyarı hepsi"]
            if arg-1 is or "uyarı":
                if arg-2 is not set:
                    send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &eLütfen şunlardan birini girin: &7(&ehepsi&7/&belmas&7/&6altın&7/&fdemir&7/&azümrüt&7)"
                    send ""
                    send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr uyarı &7(&ehepsi&7/&belmas&7/&6altın&7/&fdemir&7/&azümrüt&7)"
                if arg-2 is "hepsi":
                    if {axr.alert} is not set:
                        set {axr.alert} and {axr.d} and {axr.g} and {axr.e} and {axr.i} to true
                        send "&eTüm Cevher Uyarıları&f: &2✔ &aAçık"
                        set {orealerts.name} to "&8[&2✔ &cAçık&8]"
                        wait 2 tick
                        execute player command "/axr menü"
                        delete {axr.alert} and {axr.d} and {axr.g} and {axr.e} and {axr.i}
                        send "&eTüm Cevher Uyarıları&f: &4✘ &cKapalı"
                        set {orealerts.name} to "&8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                        wait 2 tick
                        execute player command "/axr menü"
                if arg-2 is "elmas":
                    if {axr.d} is not set:
                        set {axr.d} to true
                        send "&bElmas Uyarısı&f: &2✔ &aAçık"
                        delete {axr.d}
                        send "&bElmas Uyarısı&f: &4✘ &cKapalı"
                if arg-2 is "altın":
                    if {axr.g} is not set:
                        set {axr.g} to true
                        send "&6Altın Uyarısı&f: &2✔ &aAçık"
                        delete {axr.g}
                        send "&6Altın Uyarısı&f: &4✘ &cKapalı"
                if arg-2 is "zümrüt":
                    if {axr.e} is not set:
                        set {axr.e} to true
                        send "&aZümrüt Uyarısı&f: &2✔ &aAçık"
                        delete {axr.e}
                        send "&aZümrüt Uyarısı&f: &4✘ &cKapalı"
                if arg-2 is "demir":
                    if {axr.i} is not set:
                        set {axr.i} to true
                        send "&fDemir Uyarısı: &2✔ &aAçık"
                        delete {axr.i}
                        send "&fDemir Uyarısı: &4✘ &cKapalı"
            if arg-1 is "cevhersayacı" or "cs":
                if arg-2 is not set:
                    if {axr.dcount.%player%} and {axr.ecount.%player%} and {axr.gcount.%player%} and {axr.icount.%player%} is not set:
                        set {axr.dcount.%player%} and {axr.ecount.%player%} and {axr.gcount.%player%} and {axr.icount.%player%} to 0
                    if {axr.count} is not set:
                        send "&5Cever Sayacı 1&f: &2✔ &aAçık"
                        set {counter.name} to "&8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                        set {axr.count} to true
                    if {axr.count} is true:
                        set {axr.count} to false
                        send "&5Cevher Sayacı 2&f: &4✘ &cKapalı"
                        set {counter.name} to "&8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    if {axr.count} is false:
                        set {axr.count} to true
                        send "&5Cevher Sayacı 3&f: &2✔ &aAçık"
                        set {counter.name} to "&8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                if arg-2 is "cevher":
                    if arg-3 is not set:
                        send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &eLütfen bu komutu kullan:"
                        send "&6/axr cs cevher [oyuncu]"
                    if arg-3 is set:
                        if {axr.count} is false:
                            send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &cCevher Sayacı devre dışı!"
                        if {axr.count} is true:
                            send "&e&m-[-&r &6&l%arg-3% &a&lOYUNCUSUNUN CEVHER SAYACI &e&m-]-"
                            send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &fDemir: &b%{axr.icount.%player%}%"
                            send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &6Altın: &b%{axr.gcount.%player%}%"
                            send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &bElmas: &b%{axr.dcount.%player%}%"
                            send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &aZümrüt: &b%{axr.ecount.%player%}%"
                if arg-2 is "temizle":
                    if arg-3 is not set:
                        send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &eLütfen bu komutu kullan:"
                        send "&6/axr temizle [oyuncu]"
                    if arg-3 is set:
                        if {axr.count} is false:
                            send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &cCevher Sayacı devre dışı!"
                        if {axr.count} is true:
                            send "&6&l%arg-3% &a&lOYUNCUSUNUN CEVHERLERI TEMIZLENDI"
                            set {axr.icount.%player%} to 0
                            set {axr.dcount.%player%} to 0
                            set {axr.ecount.%player%} to 0
                            set {axr.gcount.%player%} to 0
            if arg-1 is "yardım":
                send ""
                send "&b============ &a&lYARDIM MENÜSÜ &b================="
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr menü &7- &eopens the gui"
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr cs &7- &eCevher sayımını açar/kapatır."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr cs cevher (player) &7- &eOyuncunun cevher sayılarını gösterir."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr cs temizle (player) &7- &eOyuncunun cevher sayılarını temizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr uyarı &7- &eX-Ray korumasını açar/kapatır."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr yenile &7- &eYapılandırma ayarlarını yeniler."
            if arg-1 is "yenile" or "yl": #Bunu kullanabilmek için Skript dosyasının ismi "axr" olması gerekmektedir.
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &aYapılandırma ayarları yenileniyor..."
                wait 1 second
                execute console command "sk reload axr"
                wait 1 second
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &aYapılandırma ayarları tamamlandı!"
            send "&7[&6Anti-Xray&7] &cBu komutu kullanmak için yetkin yok."

command /axrayarlar12 [<text>]:
        if player has permission "minecrafttr-axr.admin":
            wait 2 tick
            if arg-1 is not "kömür" or "demir" or "altın" or "kızıltaş" or "lapis" or "cevhersistemi" or "elmas" or "sayaç":
                send ""
                send "&b============ &a&lYARDIM MENÜSÜ &b================="
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr zümrüt &7- &eZümrütü gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr elmas &7- &eElması gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr altın &7- &eAltını gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr demir &7- &eDemiri gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr lapis &7- &eLapisi gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr kızıltaş &7- &eKızıltaşı gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr kömür &7- &eKömürü gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr cevhersistemi &7- &eCevher sistemi menüsünü açar."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr sayaç &7- &eCevher sayacı menüsünü açar."
            if arg-1 is not set:
                send ""
                send "&b============ &a&lYARDIM MENÜSÜ &b================="
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr zümrüt &7- &eZümrütü gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr elmas &7- &eElması gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr altın &7- &eAltını gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr demir &7- &eDemiri gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr lapis &7- &eLapisi gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr kızıltaş &7- &eKızıltaşı gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr kömür &7- &eKömürü gizler."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr cevhersistemi &7- &eCevher sistemi menüsünü açar."
                send "&7[&6Anti-XRay&7] &e/axr sayaç &7- &eCevher sayacı menüsünü açar."
            if arg-1 is "zümrüt":
                if {green} is not set:
                    set {green} to true
                    set {green.name} to "&8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &aZümrüt Gizleme&f: &8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
                    delete {green}
                    set {green.name} to "&8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &aZümrüt Gizleme&f: &8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
                    if arg-1 is "coal":
            if arg-1 is "kömür":
                if {coal} is not set:
                    set {coal} to true
                    set {coal.name} to "&8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &7Kömür Gizleme&f: &8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
                    delete {coal}
                    set {coal.name} to "&8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    send "&6&l>>&7Kömür Gizleme&f: &8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
            if arg-1 is "demir":
                if {iron} is not set:
                    set {iron} to true
                    set {iron.name} to "&8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &fDemir Gizleme: &8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
                    delete {iron}
                    set {iron.name} to "&8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &fDemir Gizleme: &8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
            if arg-1 is "altın":
                if {gold} is not set:
                    set {gold} to true
                    set {gold.name} to "&8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &6Altın Gizleme&f: &8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
                    delete {gold}
                    set {gold.name} to "&8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &6Altın Gizleme&f: &8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
            if arg-1 is "kızıltaş":
                if {red} is not set:
                    set {red} to true
                    set {red.name} to "&8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &cKızıltaş Gizleme&f: &8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
                    delete {red}
                    set {red.name} to "&8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &cKızıltaş Gizleme&f: &8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
            if arg-1 is "lapis":
                if {blue} is not set:
                    set {blue} to true
                    set {blue.name} to "&8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &3Lapis Gizleme&f: &8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
                    delete {blue}
                    set {blue.name} to "&8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &3Lapis Gizleme&f: &8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
            if arg-1 is "cevhersistemi":
                if {hideores} is false:
                    set {osy.name} to "&8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    set {hideores} to true
                    send "&6&l>> &bCevher Sistemi&f: &8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
                if {hideores} is true:
                    set {osy.name} to "&8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &bCevher Sistemi&f: &8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    set {hideores} to false
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
            if arg-1 is "elmas":
                if {diamond} is not set:
                    set {diamond} to true
                    set {diamond.name} to "&8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &bElmas Gizleme&f: &8[&2✔ &aAçık&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
                    delete {diamond}
                    set {diamond.name} to "&8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    send "&6&l>> &bElmas Gizleme&f: &8[&4✘ &cKapalı&8]"
                    execute player command "/axr menü"
            if arg-1 is "sayaç":
                execute player command "/axr cs"
                wait 1 ticks
                execute player command "/axr menü"
            send "&7[&6Anti-Xray&7] &cBu komutu kullanmak için yetkin yok."

on break:
    if {hideores} is false:
        wait 1 tick
        #do nothing
    if {hideores} is true:
        wait 1 tick
        if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to 70:
            if {gold} is true:
                loop blocks in radius 10 of player:
                    if loop-block is gold ore:
                        if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is not air:
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is not air:
                                if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is not air:
                                    if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is not air:
                                        make player see loop-block-1 as stone
                        if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as gold ore
                        if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as gold ore
                        if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as gold ore
                        if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as gold ore
                        if block 1 meter north of loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as gold ore
                        if block 1 meter south of loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as gold ore
        if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to 70:
            if {green} is true:
                loop blocks in radius 10 of player:
                    if loop-block is emerald ore:
                        if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is not air:
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is not air:
                                if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is not air:
                                    if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is not air:
                                        make player see loop-block-1 as stone
                        if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as emerald ore
                        if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as emerald ore
                        if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as emerald ore
                        if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as emerald ore
                        if block 1 meter north of loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as emerald ore
                        if block 1 meter south of loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as emerald ore
        if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to 70:
            if {diamond} is true:
                loop blocks in radius 10 of player:
                    if loop-block is diamond ore:
                        if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is not air:
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is not air:
                                if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is not air:
                                    if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is not air:
                                        make player see loop-block-1 as stone
                        if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as diamond ore
                        if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as diamond ore
                        if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as diamond ore
                        if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as diamond ore
                        if block 1 meter north of loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as diamond ore
                        if block 1 meter south of loop-block-1 is air:
                            make player see loop-block-1 as diamond ore
        if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to 70:
            if {coal} is true:
                loop blocks in radius 10 of player:
                    if loop-block is coal ore:
                        if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is not air:
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is not air:
                                if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is not air:
                                    if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is not air:
                                        make player see loop-block-1 as stone
                            if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as coal ore
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as coal ore
                            if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as coal ore
                            if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as coal ore
                            if block 1 meter north of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as coal ore
                            if block 1 meter south of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as coal ore
        if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to 70:
            if {iron} is true:
                loop blocks in radius 10 of player:
                    if loop-block is iron ore:
                        if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is not air:
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is not air:
                                if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is not air:
                                    if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is not air:
                                        make player see loop-block-1 as stone
                            if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as iron ore
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as iron ore
                            if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as iron ore
                            if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as iron ore
                            if block 1 meter north of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as iron ore
                            if block 1 meter south of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as iron ore,
        if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to 70:
            if {blue} is true:
                loop blocks in radius 10 of player:
                    if loop-block is lapis lazuli ore:
                        if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is not air:
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is not air:
                                if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is not air:
                                    if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is not air:
                                        make player see loop-block-1 as stone
                            if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as lapis lazuli ore
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as lapis lazuli ore
                            if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as lapis lazuli ore
                            if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as lapis lazuli ore
                            if block 1 meter north of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as lapis lazuli ore
                            if block 1 meter south of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as lapis lazuli ore
        if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to 70:
            if {red} is true:
                loop blocks in radius 10 of player:
                    if loop-block is redstone ore:
                        if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is not air:
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is not air:
                                if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is not air:
                                    if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is not air:
                                        make player see loop-block-1 as stone
                            if block 1 meter above loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as redstone ore
                            if block 1 meter below loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as redstone ore
                            if block 1 meter east loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as redstone ore
                            if block 1 meter west of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as redstone ore
                            if block 1 meter north of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as redstone ore
                            if block 1 meter south of loop-block-1 is air:
                                make player see loop-block-1 as redstone ore

on mine of diamond ore:
    if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to 70:
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has permission "axr.alerts":
                if {axr.alert} is true:
                    if {axr.d} is true:
                        send "&7[&6Anti-Xray&7] &e%player% &7isimli oyuncu bir &belmas &7buldu!" to loop-player

on mine of gold ore:
    if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to 70:
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has permission "axr.alerts":
                if {axr.alert} is true:
                    if {axr.g} is true:
                        send "&7[&6Anti-Xray&7] &e%player% &7isimli oyuncu bir &6altın Cevheri &7buldu!" to loop-player

on mine of emerald ore:
    if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to 70:
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has permission "axr.alerts":
                if {axr.alert} is true:
                    if {axr.e} is true:
                        send "&7[&6Anti-Xray&7] &e%player% &7isimli oyuncu bir &aZümrüt Cevheri &7buldu!" to loop-player
on mine of iron ore:
    if player's y coordinate is less than or equal to {@ironlevel}:
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has permission "axr.alerts":
                if {axr.alert} is true:
                    if {axr.i} is true:
                        send "{@prefix} &e%player% &7isimli oyuncu bir &fDemir Cevheri &7buldu!" to loop-player

on mine of iron ore:
    if {axr.count} is true:
        add 1 to {axr.icount.%player%}
on mine of gold ore:
    if {axr.count} is true:
        add 1 to {axr.gcount.%player%}
on mine of emerald ore:
    if {axr.count} is true:
        add 1 to {axr.ecount.%player%}
on mine of diamond ore:
    if {axr.count} is true:
        add 1 to {axr.dcount.%player%}

on join:
    wait 3 second
    if player is op:
        send "&7[&6Anti-Xray&7] &7Anti-XRay'in en son sürümü kullanılıyor! (&a1.2&7)"
Yeni bir Steve doğdu!
11 Eylül 2020
Tepki puanı
gayet yararlı skriptler olmuş çok teşekkür ederim sunucumda şunları kullanacağım:
-İp Adresi Kontrol Skripti.
-Acil Durum Çantası Skripti.
-Anket Skripti.
-Oyuncuların Ne Kadar Uzakta Oldugunu Görme Skripti.
-Yere Eşya Atmayı Önleyen Skript.
-Süreli komut kullanma skripti.
-Kazma ile bir yeri 3x3 kazma skripti.
-Süreli Fly Skripti.
Teşekkür ederim paylaştıklarının yarısından çoğu işime yarayacak
Requlogia Minecraft Hizmetleri
18 Nisan 2020
En iyi cevaplar
Tepki puanı
Bu tür skriptlerin sunucuya yararından çok zararı dokunmaktadır.
Daha stabil ve daha güvenli olan birçok eklenti bulunmakta.
Bu tür skriptlerin kullanılmasını tavsiye etmiyorum.

Yere eşya atma skripti eklentisi ile kolayca yapılabilmekte.
Süreli fly eklentisinin tanıtımını yaptım,
Süreli komut skripti birçok chat koruma eklentisinin içerisinde bulunmakta,
Uçuş bileti eklentisinin tanıtımını yaptım.

Ekstra olarak size ait skriptleri paylaşmanızı öneririm. İyi çalışmalar.
Yeni bir Steve doğdu!
11 Eylül 2020
Tepki puanı
Bu tür skriptlerin sunucuya yararından çok zararı dokunmaktadır.
Daha stabil ve daha güvenli olan birçok eklenti bulunmakta.
Bu tür skriptlerin kullanılmasını tavsiye etmiyorum.

Yere eşya atma skripti eklentisi ile kolayca yapılabilmekte.
Süreli fly eklentisinin tanıtımını yaptım,
Süreli komut skripti birçok chat koruma eklentisinin içerisinde bulunmakta,
Uçuş bileti eklentisinin tanıtımını yaptım.

Ekstra olarak size ait skriptleri paylaşmanızı öneririm. İyi çalışmalar.

Biliyorum sunucuyu daha lag vb. sokabilir. Forumda yeni olduğum için bu sizin ve başkalarının paylaşımlarını görmemişim kusura bakmayın.
Yeni bir Steve doğdu!
11 Eylül 2020
Tepki puanı
gayet yararlı skriptler olmuş çok teşekkür ederim sunucumda şunları kullanacağım:
-İp Adresi Kontrol Skripti.
-Acil Durum Çantası Skripti.
-Anket Skripti.
-Oyuncuların Ne Kadar Uzakta Oldugunu Görme Skripti.
-Yere Eşya Atmayı Önleyen Skript.
-Süreli komut kullanma skripti.
-Kazma ile bir yeri 3x3 kazma skripti.
-Süreli Fly Skripti.
Teşekkür ederim paylaştıklarının yarısından çoğu işime yarayacak

Rica Ederim :)
Seçkin madenci.
30 Haziran 2019
Tepki puanı
Çok Begendim. Sunucumda Kesin Kullanıcagım 3 Adet Skript Var , Başarılar Ayrıca Teşşekürler.
Elite madenci.
Yardımsever Üye
12 Ağustos 2020
Tepki puanı
Güzel skriptler tebrik ederim ama bazılarının sunucuya zararı olabilir( Anti X-Ray gibi) galiba ayrıca uçuş bileti biraz daha uzun süreli olabilirdi Acil Yardım Durum Skript'de biraz gereksiz olmuş gibi daha güzel skriptler yapıp paylaşmanız dileyligle :)
Bakır madencisi.
12 Mayıs 2020
Tepki puanı
yunus can#5065
Yani bir bakıma güzel bir paylaşım konusu olmuş fakat anti x-ray skripti gibi şeyler biraz abartı ve gereksiz olmuş. Başarılar.
Son düzenleme:
Yeni bir Steve doğdu!
11 Eylül 2020
Tepki puanı
Çok Begendim. Sunucumda Kesin Kullanıcagım 3 Adet Skript Var , Başarılar Ayrıca Teşşekürler.

Rica Ederim :)

Güzel skriptler tebrik ederim ama bazılarının sunucuya zararı olabilir( Anti X-Ray gibi) galiba ayrıca uçuş bileti biraz daha uzun süreli olabilirdi Acil Yardım Durum Skript'de biraz gereksiz olmuş gibi daha güzel skriptler yapıp paylaşmanız dileyligle :)

Yani bir bakıma güzel bir paylaşım konusu olmuş, fakat anti x-ray skripti gibi şeyler biraz abartı ve gereksiz olmuş. Başarılar.

Evet farkındayım gereksiz olduğunu ama yine de koymak istedim. Diğer ki skriptlerimde dah yaralı olanları paylaşacağım :)
Not: Skriptler bana ait olmadığı için böyle yayınladım. Ama isterseniz discord'dan bana ulaşıp size düzenleyip verebilirim.
